Wedding Cake – Very good (Delma Gomes from Noémi McCowan) - Family de Freitas

Family de Freitas
de Freitas
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Wedding Cake – Very good (Delma Gomes from Noémi McCowan)
2 lbs butter
2 ½ lb flour
3 lbs sultanas
Grated rind of 2 lemons
½ pint brandy

2 lbs castor sugar
18 eggs
1 ½ lb mixed peel
½ a small nutmeg

½ gill of caramel
3 lbs currants
½ lb blanched sweet almonds
1 oz mixed spice

  1. Sieve extra flour onto a sheet of paper.
  2. Wash, dry and pick the currants.
  3. Blanch the almonds, fine shred the mixed peel and mix with the currants.
  4. Sieve the sugar and place in a pan. Add the butter and all the spices in a fine powder, and beat to a light cream.
  5. Add the eggs, two at a time, allowing 5 minutes of good beating between each lot.
  6. When all the eggs are combined, mix in the fruit and peel and lastly add the flour with the brandy.
  7. When thoroughly mixed, put into well papered hoops, pressing it down in the centre with the back of the hand.
  8. Put in a cool oven and bake for 6 hours.
  9. If oven is not large enough, it is better to make two or more cakes as the large one will get burnt at the side.
  10. Cake is better baked one month before, and wrapped in wax paper and kept in an air-tight tin in  a cool place.

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