Coffee Cake - Family de Freitas

Family de Freitas
de Freitas
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Coffee Cake (Delma Gomes from the Delgados)
½ lb butter
5 eggs well beaten
Coffee to taste

½ lb flour
1 tsp baking powder

½ lb sugar
Walnuts to taste
  1. Cream the butter and sugar together.
  2. Add the beaten eggs a little at a time and continue to beat until all the egg is blended.
  3. Add walnuts, flour and baking powder and mix thoroughly.
  4. Blend in coffee to taste and bake.
Coffee Cake (Delma Gomes)
2 eggs
4 oz self-raising flour
4 oz sugar
2 tsp Nescafe
4 oz margarine
1 tbsp water
  1. Cream the margarine and sugar together.
  2. Add the beaten eggs a little at a time and continue to beat until all the egg is blended.
  3. Lightly add sieved flour and finally the Nescafe mixed with the water.
  4. Bake in two 7” greased sandwich tins for 20 minutes at 325F/162C.

Coffee Cake (Maria Teresa Faria de Freitas)
6 oz sugar
4-5 eggs (whites/yolks separated)
4 oz flour
3 tbsp coffee essence
1 tbsp baking powder

  1. Beat sugar, yolks and coffee essence well.
  2. Whisk whites of eggs stiffly and add, alternating with flour, to the mix.
  3. Bake.

½ - ¾ lb castor sugar
1 dsp butter
2 tbsp milk
1 ½ tbsp coffee essence

Beat all ingredients together until creamy.
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