Chartreuse de Pêches - or any other similar fruits (Delma Gomes) - Family de Freitas

Family de Freitas
de Freitas
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Chartreuse de Pêches - or any other similar fruits (Delma Gomes)
Fruit mix
1 teacup sliced peaches, fresh or tinned
½ pint lemon jelly

Baboroise mixture
¼ pint cream or evap milk
2 egg yolks
½ pint milk OR
½ pint custard

2 lvl tsp gelatin powder
1 tbsp water
1 tbsp sugar
Vanilla seasoning
  1. Pour a little of the lemon jelly into the bottom of a plain mould. Arrange the sliced fruit on this and then cover with the remaining jelly. Allow to set.
  2. Make pouring-consistency custard from egg-yolks and milk, cooking gently without boiling.
  3. Add the sugar and vanilla flavouring and, while hot, pour over gelatin dissolved in water.
  4. Cool, then add lightly whipped cream or evap milk, and when cold but not set, pour over the jelly.
  5. Allow to set and then turn out.

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